Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Comparison Game

How often are we a part of comparing people, things etc? We compare Kishore and Rafi, Maradona and Pele, Sampras and Federer, Sachin and Lara, Asha and Lata, A R Rahman and R D Burman and many others all the time. We all have our favorites and in the quest to elevate them or to win the argument we will ruthlessly bring down the other person. Why dont we give importance to the great service they have done to their respective fields? Why dont we give importance to the joy they all have given to us? Why "comparison" is the only thing important? I feel, By comparing and criticizing I dont elevate one or bring the other one down, what I do is I bring myself down. To have your likes and dislikes is fine, expressing your love for one is fine, expressing your dissatisfaction for the other is fine too. That's your perception, your view and is not wrong. But why do we always tend to compare? Why do we think that to compliment one, we always need to criticize the other? Why cant we just settle on the fact that they all are simply great?

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